Friday, July 16, 2004
Philippians 2:12-17
THe theme of accountability continues in chapter two--even though Paul is away, the Philippian church continues to be accountable to him, obeying God not only in Paul's presence, but much more in his absence. In our present time we have so many tools to keep in touch over distances--not only the phone, but faxes, e-mail, and blogging! But even though Paul was far away and without these modern technologies, God was always near, working in his dear friends to will and act according to God's good purpose.
Paul's instructions were to not only obey the Lord, but to do everything without complaining or arguing. What a good reminder for me! It seems like there's always something to whine about--it's too hot, it's too cold, nobody helps me, I have to do everything, etc. etc. But if we cease our ranting, Paul says we will shine like stars in the universe as we hold out the word of life. Paul is willing to be poured out like a drink offering, without complaining of his circumstances, and encourages the Philippians to rejoice and be glad with him.
Lord, help me stop complaining about things that don't really matter, and rejoice in your goodness. Let me shine like a star in times of difficulty, reflecting your light. Amen.